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“In the Ladies’ Room with Dr. Donnica” is the only public ladies' room you can enter any time without ever waiting on line! Hosted by women’s health expert and media commentator Donnica Moore MD, the podcast will feature real conversations, with real women, about really intimate issues. They may be embarrassing, sad or funny, but they will always be
interesting & informative. You know, like the best conversations you've ever had in ladies' rooms with your best friends. . .or total strangers. . .and a physician!

With a wide variety of guests with “been there, done that” expertise, Dr. Donnica discusses the health and wellness topics women often talk with her about in the ladies’ room. . . after speaking engagements, media
briefings, at events, or just because they happen to be chatting anonymously while waiting on line or over the sink. Generally, these topics tend to be things that are embarrassing; issues Dr. Donnica calls “the Toilet Talk topics” (anything related to bowel or bladder issues, gas, bodily functions, periods, discharges, etc.); questions related to sex and intimacy; subjects women are uncomfortable discussing in public or in “mixed company”; challenges women are struggling with; or anything top of mind or in the news. In each topic, we add our Top Tips about that topic as well as a call to action.

Jul 29, 2021

Did you ever meet someone at a meeting & immediately decide that you want to get to know this person better?  That you want them to be on your team?  That’s how I felt when I met Lisa Charles several years ago when we were both speakers at Olympian Joetta Clark Diggs’ annual women’s health conference.  It’s no surprise that this inspirational speaker is known as “Coach Lisa”.  She’s the CEO of Embrace Your Fitness, a health & wellness consultancy.  She has walked the talk, having to overcome her own health & weight management challenges.  She’s a life coach who has also had an incredible diversity of life experiences from being a state and federal prosecutor for more than a decade, becoming a jazz and opera singer and actor, and then changing lanes to focus on health & fitness.  She is the Research Coordinator for the Rutgers University Aging and Brain Health Alliance & today adds 2 new accolades to her resume:  she is a new author of the motivational book “Yes! Commit. Do. Live.”  And she is my official new health & fitness trainer.